The Cosmic Christ of Scripture

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The Cosmic and Trans-cosmic Christ of Scripture

There are cosmic and trans-cosmic dimensions of the biblical title “Christ” which means “anointed person.” The Old Testament refers to the anointing of priests (Exod 29:1-9 ), kings (1 Sam 10:1; 2 Sam 2:4; 1 Kings 1:34), and prophets (19:16). However, the New Testament refers to Jesus alone as “the Christ” (Acts 2:27, 31). The Samaritans looked for Christ (Jn 4:25) and the Jews expected him to perform miracles (Jn 7:31). Claiming the title of Christ, Jesus announced a universal worship of God which is not limited to the religious centers of the Samaritans or the Jews (4:21-26). The cosmic and trans-cosmic scope of Christ is also manifest in his ascension to God’s right hand to pour out the Spirit on all flesh (Acts 2:17, 32-33) to empower the preaching of the gospel to all nations (2:1-5).

The scope of Christ may be further clarified by a study of the biblical use of the word cosmos [translated as “world” in English Bibles].

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Doctrine of Salvation, Fall 2010

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Revelation, Inspiration, and Hermeneutics, Fall 2010

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Works of Christ: Summer 2010

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Revelation Inspiration and Hermeneutics: Summer 2010

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