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Anonymous said...

Karen Campbell
I found this chapter to be very interesting profound and noteworthy. 'Let the Holy Scriptures Speak? What could this mean? For the longest while it seems as though everyone has spoken of or has sought to speak for the scriptures. Few people to my knowledge allows the scripture to speak for itself. My understanding from this chapter is that Dr. Hanna is trying to say that if someone uncontiously undermines the realy meaning of what a particular text is trying to say this is in a way speaking for the scripture instead of allowing the scripture to speak. In addition he states that another way of undermining the scripture and not allowing it to speak for itself is when a person elevates other revelations above the scripture. My question therefore is. Should christ not be elevated above the scripture? Would that be a way of undermining scripture? Should we therefore recognize the primacy that the scripture, Christ and the cosmos hold in their individual right? In an effort therefore not to undermine scripture, should the scriptures therefore be interpreted in a wholistic manner which includes Christ and the cosmos? This was a very interesting chapter to me. I would like to further study this.

Anonymous said...

Karen Campbell
Acccording to Fernando Canale in chapter 4 of the book Understanding Scripture; human beings have gained their knowledge about God through one single evidence which is revelation. In addition he says that Christians have in general recognized the Scriptures as the way in which God has revealed himself to human beings. There has been a lot of discussion over the years about the evidence for revelation through the process of inspiriation. It is this that this chapter sets out to prove. Post Modernist have sought to bring arguments that attempt to deny or distort even in the minds of Christians that there is a God who has taken the time to reveal himself in general let along through the scriptures. Theologians have sought to build their understanding of revelation inspiration through Scriptural Phenomena, hermeneutics, verbal inspiration to name. I will briefly discus one of the methods. For example Scriptural Phenomena deals with the process of the theological analysys of the Scripture. From my understanding this process theologians use historical evidence and literary analysis to help them in this process. I think that historical evidence is the most powerful. Very interesting chapter. One that should be carefully studied in an effor to show some types of people the truth about scripture.